Hubson H501S Drone Review – 4.3 LCD Large Screen

The Hubson H501S Drone is one of the versatile drones available in the market. This drone comes with stunning features with a high definition camera with a well advanced remote control. The remote control of this drone comes with a 4.3 LCD Screen where you will get to see certain information like the battery percentage, battery charging information, other relevant features of this drone.

You will get to see many other features which have attracted a lot of users. Hubson H501S Drone features almost every aspect of technological benefits which every user aspire for.


Hubson H501S Drone
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  • 5.8G FPV Live Video: Has a 4.3 inch LCD screen on the controller that is capable of...
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Now, here in this section, you will get to know the honest verdict of this drone. This is the most budget-friendly drone you will ever get. This drone has a user-oriented interface. This drone has a GPS system attached to the machine in order to track the path with which the drone will be flying.

The remote control is also very nicely built with an attached 4.3 inch LCD Screen which in turn means that you will not have to connect your phone to the drone to make use of its FPV Feature. There are certain other features that make this drone very good and worth buying.

The flight time this drone offers is of approximately 20 minutes which is average and good. When it comes to buying a drone with good camera quality and a drone that is budget-friendly then this drone comes at the first sight of the users. You will highly be impressed with the drone outlook if you buy it and use it since it will give you the best features.

The orientation of the machine is awesome and is one of the drones that come with advanced features. This drone comes in a price range of $300 which is pretty good.

Design and Build Quality

Coming to the main section of this article. Here, you will be looking at a few functions this drone offers you with a price tag you get. The design, as well as the features of the drone, is listed below:-

  1. This drone gives an average battery life with its flight time being 20 minutes. The 20 minutes flight time is good enough and hence the battery backup is pretty good. In case you want more flight time then it is better to purchase spare batteries.
  2. This drone is designed internally with a 6-axis gyroscope. This provides a very good orientation to the drone and the stability it gets after this in-built feature is pretty good.
  3. The remote control is very well designed with an integrated LCD Screen worth 4.3 inches. This is a very nicely designed feature that adds flying colours to the drone.
  4. This drone has well defined smart flight modes with an automatic return to home feature which is very nice for the security and safety of the drone and the users inside it.

These features are very nice and they are worth every penny you spend to buy this drone. The look and the design give this drone a premium shade which is perfect. This drone is a foldable one with a solid structure and a premium design with its overall build being very appreciable.

Even if it crashes anyway, the drone is made up of a rigid material that prevents it from scratches and cracks. This drone is lightweight that weighs around 450g that means it is easily portable and you won’t feel any burden if you take this to travel around. The drone is designed to have a compact design with great precision.

The overall dimension of this drone is 47.5*31*5 with a weight of 480g. If you are staying in UK, Canada or USA you will have to register the drone before using it since it weighs more than 250g. This drone is fitted with brushless motors so it requires less maintenance and works pretty well.

These types of motors are more powerful, efficient, accurate and cheap as well. Hence, these drones have more speed as compared to drones that use brushed motors. This drone has a good amount of LED Lights that ease you to travel even during the nighttime.

Flight Experience

As expected, this drone gives a very good flight experience to the users. This drone is very easy to handle and operate. The live video streaming quality it provides to its users is of very high resolution.

The flight time is approximately 20 minutes but it may be a little less in case of bad weather or windy conditions. The drone has many features which make the flight experience even easier:-

  1. Dual GPS:- The drone has a featured dual GPS Mode that can lock the orientation to both GPS and GLONASS satellite systems. This in turn makes accurate positioning and allow the drone to fly manually.
  2. Altitude hold:- This feature works well in those areas where the GPS System is weak, this feature overall maintains the drone to fly at a steady altitude range.
  3. Headless mode:- this mode is designed mainly for beginners use the drone maintains its orientation on its own to fly properly while keeping in mind the safety and security of the user and the drone as well. You just need to move the joystick and the drone will move accordingly.


The camera is the best thing about this drone. These cameras help you to meet virtual reality. This camera works on the best resolution of 1080p, which gives you the best picture and video quality. The high definition quality of the pictures makes the seen more vibrant and colourful.

The camera does not have any stabilization feature such as a gimbal, so you may see some haziness or shakiness in the picture quality but that is negligible. The video streaming quality is very impressive with the resolution being 720p. You can also connect this drone to a VR Headset that also adds colours to your flight experience.


Coming on to discuss the storage of this drone, the drone has a very good storage feature available. This drone has a Micro SD Card slot available where you can easily store the pictures and videos to the Micro SD Card inserted into the slot. The pictures and videos can also be stored in the phone’s internal or external storage as per the availability.

This only requires you to connect the drone with your smartphone. You will hence not find any difficulty while storing the media files into your drone or your smartphone.

Remote Control

The remote control feature is very decent as per the company’s verdict. The remote control has very good gestures that allow the users to control the drone functions and features without taking much effort. The drone hence has a modernised remote controller.

The remote control shows you the battery percentage, your charging percentage and also the gestures are quite impressive. There are certain buttons present in the drone with engraved functions that makes this drone remote control use even easier and comfortable.

The drone’s remote control has a good functionality setup which is again a remarkable feature.


The drone is provided with a long-lasting battery. But you may buy the spare batteries just in case you need to increase the flight time and other functionalities of this drone. The battery backup is good and the average flight time you get is 20 minutes.

The drone has a well-designed battery with optimum optimisation and other features that lets it lasts longer. So, overall as far as the battery backup is concerned, the company gives a good battery with a charging time of 2 hours. The battery and the charging percentage is quite relevantly seen on the remote control.


  1. This drone has a very good design and premium build quality.
  2. The drone comes with a very good manufacturer due to which the durability of the drone cannot be questioned.
  3. The drone comes with a good user interface and battery optimisation is pretty good.
  4. The drone has a modern remote control.
  5. This drone can easily be connected to a VR Headset.
  6. The camera has a very good resolution along with a good camera optimisation feature.


  1. Some optimisation is required in the overall setup.
  2. The remote control battery is not included in the package.
  3. Some compatibility issues need to be resolved.


Coming on to the conclusion part of this article. The drone is excellent with unique user-oriented functionality. The drone is cheap with a price range of $300 or less. The drone has a dual GPS system, altitude hold, headless mode, orbit mode, follow me feature and automatic return to home feature.

This drone has a premium design and good power backup and a good flight time of 20 minutes approximately. Overall this drone can be recommended to both beginners and experts as well.

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